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biased argument

as the degree started,
i decide to ride motorcycle as my main transportation
after a while
 eventhough i am a rider now during classes
but i'm also a driver over there,
and since i have a lil' experience as a rider
i tend to be biased,
in any arguments between the rider and the driver
that's is not good at all..

i think i already hurts some people feeling
during the arguments held.

in my point of view,
either rider or driver,
both tend to be careless,
both tend to be reckless,
both tend to be insane,
both also are sometimes are too careful
 and lead to too slow
 on the road

sometimes in any incident,
mistakes we made,
we should blame other first,
always an advice for me too,

we tend to loose control
when we are panic,
stress and angry
and BANG! others ,
the climate,
the environment,
the race
and sometimes even the GOD!
 for the mistakes that coincidentally happen in the wrong time,
without ever realize the pain
 the cost,the consequences
that the person feel or have to be faced on that time.

however, this is my thought regards on some issues happen recently.
i'm sorry for being to loud  recently,
i know it hurts you.

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