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pelik r ko.. pakai tudung punye labuh, ttp ttbe on off.. asal??

oke..tntg tudung labuh ke x..tuh keselesaan memakai tudung bkn tntg labuh ke tak..sbb lya da biasa pki tudung mcm tuh mse skola..seriously,ini agak mengaibkan diri sendiri tp sbb soklan kan,not to blame culture shock after skool but myself nye teras pn xkuat langsung,oke?clear,thanks to fatiah razak nye page,Allah tunjukkn i satu video sorg niyh tntg womens and hijjab(http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=125677807471929&ref=mf)..felt sorry for myself and i'm searching more...anyway,as yourself please use words yg soft skit bole even ko laki pn..its hurt.

tell your ques,i try my best

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